Source code for libreasr.lib.utils

Useful little functions

import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
import re

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import torch
import numpy as np

LANGS = "de,en,fr,sv,es,eo,it,nl".split(",")
LANG_TO_IDX = {l: i for i, l in enumerate(LANGS)}

[docs]class Text(str): def show(self, **kwargs): print(self)
[docs]def stats(t): return t.mean(), t.std()
[docs]def n_params(m): """ Get the number of parameters for a PyTorch nn.Module m """ return sum(p.numel() for p in m.parameters())
[docs]def check(t): """ Check if tensor t is numerically correct. NaNs?, Infs?, standard deviation ok? """ error = False if torch.isnan(t).any(): error = "NaNs found" elif torch.isinf(t).any(): error = "Infs found" elif t.float().std() < 1e-5: error = "stds < 1e-5 found" if error: traceback.print_stack(limit=5) raise Exception(f"check failed: {error}! Use %pdb to debug.")
[docs]def what(q): "this can't handle generators :(" o = q if isinstance(o, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return str(o.shape) elif isinstance(o, tuple) or isinstance(o, list): return str([what(x) for x in o]) else: return str(type(o) + ", " + repr(o))
[docs]def chained_try(funcs, item, try_all=True, post=lambda x: ",".join(x)): results = [] for f in funcs: try: results.append(str(f(item))) except: pass return post(results)
[docs]def qna(m, bins=40): """ q and a about your model. Plot all parameters and the distribution of their weights """ for n, p in m.named_parameters(): if (p == float("nan")).any() or p.mean() == float("nan"): print(n, "is NaN") else: plt.hist(p.detach().flatten().cpu().numpy(), bins=bins) plt.title(n)
[docs]def hook_debug(m, db): """ print the mean and std of all activations while data is flowing through your model Warning: this removes all hooks from your model! """ def hk(s, _in, _out): def chk_print(t, which, idx=" ", lvl=1, _o=50): if isinstance(t, torch.Tensor): q = str(s)[:_o].replace("\n", "").ljust(_o) print( f"{which} |", q, "|", f"{t.float().mean().item():03.2f}".ljust(7) + " | " + f"{t.float().std().item():03.2f}".ljust(7), ) elif isinstance(t, tuple): for i, one in enumerate(t): chk_print(one, which, i, lvl + 1) # chk_print(_in, "in ") chk_print(_out, "out") def cl(s): s._forward_hooks = OrderedDict() # clear all hooks m.apply(cl) # register hook m.apply(lambda sf: sf.register_forward_hook(hk)) # grab batch and run b = db.one_batch() _ = m(b[0]) # clear all hooks m.apply(cl) return
[docs]def noop(x=None, *args, **kwargs): "Do nothing" return x
[docs]def wrap_transform(f, ignore="all"): def _inner(*args, **kwargs): if ignore == "all": if kwargs["random"]: return f() else: return noop else: return f(*args, **kwargs) return _inner
[docs]def tensorize(x): arr = np.frombuffer(x, dtype=np.float32) # copy to avoid warning arr = np.copy(arr) return torch.FloatTensor(arr)[None]
[docs]def cudaize(x): if torch.is_tensor(x): return x.cuda() return [cudaize(t) for t in x]
[docs]def standardize(t, eps=1e-5): t.add_(-t.mean()) t.div_(t.std() + eps)
[docs]def sanitize_str(o): # remove everything in parens o = re.sub("[\(\[].*?[\)\]]", "", o) o = re.sub("{.*?}", "", o) o = o.replace(".", "") o = o.replace(",", "") o = o.replace("?", "") o = o.replace("!", "") o = o.replace(":", "") o = o.replace(";", "") o = o.replace("-", "") o = o.replace("_", "") o = o.replace('"', "") o = o.replace("(", "") o = o.replace(")", "") o = o.replace("[", "") o = o.replace("]", "") o = o.replace("{", "") o = o.replace("}", "") o = o.replace("@", "") o = o.replace("#", "") o = o.replace("“", "") # only one space allowed o = re.sub(" +", " ", o) o = o.lower().strip() # add space at beginning (for BPE) o = " " + o return o
[docs]def maybe_quantize(model, debug=True): name = model.__class__.__name__ try: model = torch.quantization.quantize_dynamic( model, {torch.nn.LSTM, torch.nn.Linear}, dtype=torch.qint8 ) if debug: print(f"[quantization] {name} done.") except: if debug: print( f"[quantization] {name} failed. Might lead to degraded model performance." ) return model