Source code for libreasr.lib.layers.haste.gru

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# ==============================================================================

"""Gated Recurrent Unit"""

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from .base_rnn import BaseRNN

__all__ = ["GRU"]

# @torch.jit.script
[docs]def GRUScript( training: bool, zoneout_prob: float, input, h0, kernel, recurrent_kernel, bias, recurrent_bias, zoneout_mask, ): time_steps = input.shape[0] batch_size = input.shape[1] hidden_size = recurrent_kernel.shape[0] h = [h0] Wx = input @ kernel + bias for t in range(time_steps): Rh = h[t] @ recurrent_kernel + recurrent_bias vx = torch.chunk(Wx[t], 3, 1) vh = torch.chunk(Rh, 3, 1) z = torch.sigmoid(vx[0] + vh[0]) r = torch.sigmoid(vx[1] + vh[1]) g = torch.tanh(vx[2] + r * vh[2]) h.append(z * h[t] + (1 - z) * g) if zoneout_prob: if training: h[-1] = (h[-1] - h[-2]) * zoneout_mask[t] + h[-2] else: h[-1] = zoneout_prob * h[-2] + (1 - zoneout_prob) * h[-1] h = torch.stack(h) return h
[docs]class GRU(BaseRNN): """ Gated Recurrent Unit layer. This GRU layer offers a fused, GPU-accelerated PyTorch op for inference and training. There are two commonly-used variants of GRU cells. This one implements 1406.1078v1 which applies the reset gate to the hidden state after matrix multiplication. cuDNN also implements this variant. The other variant, 1406.1078v3, applies the reset gate before matrix multiplication and is currently unsupported. This layer has built-in support for DropConnect and Zoneout, which are both techniques used to regularize RNNs. See [\_\_init\_\_](#__init__) and [forward](#forward) for usage. See [from_native_weights](#from_native_weights) and [to_native_weights](#to_native_weights) for compatibility with PyTorch GRUs. """ def __init__( self, input_size, hidden_size, batch_first=False, dropout=0.0, zoneout=0.0, return_state_sequence=False, ): """ Initialize the parameters of the GRU layer. Arguments: input_size: int, the feature dimension of the input. hidden_size: int, the feature dimension of the output. batch_first: (optional) bool, if `True`, then the input and output tensors are provided as `(batch, seq, feature)`. dropout: (optional) float, sets the dropout rate for DropConnect regularization on the recurrent matrix. zoneout: (optional) float, sets the zoneout rate for Zoneout regularization. return_state_sequence: (optional) bool, if `True`, the forward pass will return the entire state sequence instead of just the final state. Note that if the input is a padded sequence, the returned state will also be a padded sequence. Variables: kernel: the input projection weight matrix. Dimensions (input_size, hidden_size * 3) with `z,r,h` gate layout. Initialized with Xavier uniform initialization. recurrent_kernel: the recurrent projection weight matrix. Dimensions (hidden_size, hidden_size * 3) with `z,r,h` gate layout. Initialized with orthogonal initialization. bias: the input projection bias vector. Dimensions (hidden_size * 3) with `z,r,h` gate layout. Initialized to zeros. recurrent_bias: the recurrent projection bias vector. Dimensions (hidden_size * 3) with `z,r,h` gate layout. Initialized to zeros. """ super().__init__( input_size, hidden_size, batch_first, zoneout, return_state_sequence ) if dropout < 0 or dropout > 1: raise ValueError("GRU: dropout must be in [0.0, 1.0]") if zoneout < 0 or zoneout > 1: raise ValueError("GRU: zoneout must be in [0.0, 1.0]") self.dropout = dropout self.kernel = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(input_size, hidden_size * 3)) self.recurrent_kernel = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(hidden_size, hidden_size * 3)) self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(hidden_size * 3)) self.recurrent_bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(hidden_size * 3)) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def to_native_weights(self): """ Converts Haste GRU weights to native PyTorch GRU weights. Returns: weight_ih_l0: Parameter, the input-hidden weights of the GRU layer. weight_hh_l0: Parameter, the hidden-hidden weights of the GRU layer. bias_ih_l0: Parameter, the input-hidden bias of the GRU layer. bias_hh_l0: Parameter, the hidden-hidden bias of the GRU layer. """ def reorder_weights(w): z, r, n = torch.chunk(w, 3, dim=-1) return[r, z, n], dim=-1) kernel = reorder_weights(self.kernel).permute(1, 0).contiguous() recurrent_kernel = ( reorder_weights(self.recurrent_kernel).permute(1, 0).contiguous() ) bias1 = reorder_weights(self.bias).contiguous() bias2 = reorder_weights(self.recurrent_bias).contiguous() kernel = torch.nn.Parameter(kernel) recurrent_kernel = torch.nn.Parameter(recurrent_kernel) bias1 = torch.nn.Parameter(bias1) bias2 = torch.nn.Parameter(bias2) return kernel, recurrent_kernel, bias1, bias2
[docs] def from_native_weights(self, weight_ih_l0, weight_hh_l0, bias_ih_l0, bias_hh_l0): """ Copies and converts the provided PyTorch GRU weights into this layer. Arguments: weight_ih_l0: Parameter, the input-hidden weights of the PyTorch GRU layer. weight_hh_l0: Parameter, the hidden-hidden weights of the PyTorch GRU layer. bias_ih_l0: Parameter, the input-hidden bias of the PyTorch GRU layer. bias_hh_l0: Parameter, the hidden-hidden bias of the PyTorch GRU layer. """ def reorder_weights(w): r, z, n = torch.chunk(w, 3, axis=-1) return[z, r, n], dim=-1) kernel = reorder_weights(weight_ih_l0.permute(1, 0)).contiguous() recurrent_kernel = reorder_weights(weight_hh_l0.permute(1, 0)).contiguous() bias = reorder_weights(bias_ih_l0).contiguous() recurrent_bias = reorder_weights(bias_hh_l0).contiguous() self.kernel = nn.Parameter(kernel) self.recurrent_kernel = nn.Parameter(recurrent_kernel) self.bias = nn.Parameter(bias) self.recurrent_bias = nn.Parameter(recurrent_bias)
[docs] def reset_parameters(self): """Resets this layer's parameters to their initial values.""" hidden_size = self.hidden_size for i in range(3): nn.init.xavier_uniform_( self.kernel[:, i * hidden_size : (i + 1) * hidden_size] ) nn.init.orthogonal_( self.recurrent_kernel[:, i * hidden_size : (i + 1) * hidden_size] ) nn.init.zeros_(self.bias) nn.init.zeros_(self.recurrent_bias)
[docs] def forward(self, input, state=None, lengths=None): """ Runs a forward pass of the GRU layer. Arguments: input: Tensor, a batch of input sequences to pass through the GRU. Dimensions (seq_len, batch_size, input_size) if `batch_first` is `False`, otherwise (batch_size, seq_len, input_size). lengths: (optional) Tensor, list of sequence lengths for each batch element. Dimension (batch_size). This argument may be omitted if all batch elements are unpadded and have the same sequence length. Returns: output: Tensor, the output of the GRU layer. Dimensions (seq_len, batch_size, hidden_size) if `batch_first` is `False` (default) or (batch_size, seq_len, hidden_size) if `batch_first` is `True`. Note that if `lengths` was specified, the `output` tensor will not be masked. It's the caller's responsibility to either not use the invalid entries or to mask them out before using them. h_n: the hidden state for the last sequence item. Dimensions (1, batch_size, hidden_size). """ input = self._permute(input) state_shape = [1, input.shape[1], self.hidden_size] h0 = self._get_state(input, state, state_shape) h = self._impl(input, h0[0], self._get_zoneout_mask(input)) state = self._get_final_state(h, lengths) output = self._permute(h[1:]) return output, state
def _impl(self, input, state, zoneout_mask): return GRUScript(, self.zoneout, input.contiguous(), state.contiguous(), self.kernel.contiguous(), F.dropout(self.recurrent_kernel, self.dropout,, self.bias.contiguous(), self.recurrent_bias.contiguous(), zoneout_mask.contiguous(), )