Source code for libreasr.lib.layers.haste.base_rnn

# Copyright 2020 LMNT, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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# ==============================================================================
# Modifications by @iceychris:
# - run CPU-only (for inference)

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

__all__ = ["BaseRNN"]

[docs]class BaseRNN(nn.Module): def __init__( self, input_size, hidden_size, batch_first, zoneout, return_state_sequence ): super().__init__() self.input_size = input_size self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.batch_first = batch_first self.zoneout = zoneout self.return_state_sequence = return_state_sequence def _permute(self, x): if self.batch_first: return x.permute(1, 0, 2) return x def _get_state(self, input, state, state_shape): if state is None: state = _zero_state(input, state_shape) else: _validate_state(state, state_shape) return state def _get_final_state(self, state, lengths): if isinstance(state, tuple): return tuple(self._get_final_state(s, lengths) for s in state) if isinstance(state, list): return [self._get_final_state(s, lengths) for s in state] if self.return_state_sequence: return self._permute(state[1:]).unsqueeze(0) if lengths is not None: cols = range(state.size(1)) return state[[lengths, cols]].unsqueeze(0) return state[-1].unsqueeze(0) def _get_zoneout_mask(self, input): if self.zoneout: zoneout_mask = input.new_empty( input.shape[0], input.shape[1], self.hidden_size ) zoneout_mask.bernoulli_(1.0 - self.zoneout) else: zoneout_mask = input.new_empty(0, 0, 0) return zoneout_mask def _is_cuda(self): is_cuda = [tensor.is_cuda for tensor in list(self.parameters())] if any(is_cuda) and not all(is_cuda): raise ValueError( "RNN tensors should all be CUDA tensors or none should be CUDA tensors" ) return any(is_cuda)
def _validate_state(state, state_shape): """ Checks to make sure that `state` has the same nested structure and dimensions as `state_shape`. `None` values in `state_shape` are a wildcard and are not checked. Arguments: state: a nested structure of Tensors. state_shape: a nested structure of integers or None. Raises: ValueError: if the structure and/or shapes don't match. """ if isinstance(state, (tuple, list)): # Handle nested structure. if not isinstance(state_shape, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError( "RNN state has invalid structure; expected {}".format(state_shape) ) for s, ss in zip(state, state_shape): _validate_state(s, ss) else: shape = list(state.size()) if len(shape) != len(state_shape): raise ValueError( "RNN state dimension mismatch; expected {} got {}".format( len(state_shape), len(shape) ) ) for i, (d1, d2) in enumerate(zip(list(state.size()), state_shape)): if d2 is not None and d1 != d2: raise ValueError( "RNN state size mismatch on dim {}; expected {} got {}".format( i, d2, d1 ) ) def _zero_state(input, state_shape): """ Returns a nested structure of zero Tensors with the same structure and shape as `state_shape`. The returned Tensors will have the same dtype and be on the same device as `input`. Arguments: input: Tensor, to specify the device and dtype of the returned tensors. shape_state: nested structure of integers. Returns: zero_state: a nested structure of zero Tensors. Raises: ValueError: if `state_shape` has non-integer values. """ if isinstance(state_shape, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(state_shape[0], int): state = input.new_zeros(*state_shape) elif isinstance(state_shape, tuple): state = tuple(_zero_state(input, s) for s in state_shape) elif isinstance(state_shape, list): state = [_zero_state(input, s) for s in state_shape] else: raise ValueError("RNN state_shape is invalid") return state