Source code for libreasr.lib.builder

ASRDatabunchBuilder is responsible for loading datasets
in csv format.

import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import tqdm

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

from libreasr.lib.utils import sanitize_str

CSV = {
    "train": "asr-dataset-train.csv",
    "valid": "asr-dataset-valid.csv",
    "test": "asr-dataset-test.csv",

TOKENIZER_MODEL_FILE = "tmp/tokenizer.yttm-model"
CORPUS_FILE = "tmp/corpus.txt"

[docs]class ASRDatabunchBuilder: def __init__(self): self.do_shuffle = False self.mode = None @staticmethod def from_config(conf, mode): paths = [conf["dataset_paths"][x] for x in conf["datasets"]] pcent = conf["pcent"][mode] builder = ASRDatabunchBuilder().set_mode(mode).multi(paths, pcent) if conf["apply_limits"]: builder = ( builder.x_bounds(conf["almins"] * 1000.0, conf["almaxs"] * 1000.0) .y_bounds(conf["y_min"], conf["y_max"]) .set_max_words(conf["y_max_words"]) ) if conf["shuffle_builder"][mode]: builder.shuffle() return builder def set_mode(self, mode): self.mode = mode return self def single(self, path): path = Path(path) self.df = pd.read_csv(path / CSV[self.mode]) return self def multi(self, paths, pcent=1.0): dfs = [] for path in paths: path = Path(path) df = pd.read_csv(path / CSV[self.mode]) if pcent != 1.0: df = df.sample(frac=pcent) dfs.append(df) # TODO set sort=False at some point (as it is not needed) self.df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True, copy=False, sort=True) return self def x_bounds(self, x_min, x_max): self.x_min = x_min self.x_max = x_max return self def y_bounds(self, y_min, y_max): self.y_min = y_min self.y_max = y_max return self def set_max_words(self, max_words): self.max_words = max_words return self def shuffle(self, b=True): self.do_shuffle = b return self def _assert_has_df(self): assert hasattr(self, "df") def _apply_limits(self): df = self.df if hasattr(self, "x_min"): df = df[df.xlen >= self.x_min] if hasattr(self, "x_max"): df = df[df.xlen <= self.x_max] if hasattr(self, "y_min"): df = df[df.ylen >= self.y_min] if hasattr(self, "y_max"): df = df[df.ylen <= self.y_max] if hasattr(self, "max_words"): def filt(row): l = sanitize_str(row.label) if len(l.split(" ")) <= self.max_words and len(l) > 5: return True return False df = df[df.apply(filt, axis=1)] self.df = df def _fix_columns(self): df = self.df df["label"] = df["label"].astype(str) df["sr"] = df["sr"].astype(int) self.df = df def _remove_columns(self): try: self.df.drop(["bad", "lang"], axis="columns", inplace=True) except: pass def build(self, sort=False, seed=42): self._assert_has_df() self._fix_columns() self._apply_limits() self._remove_columns() if self.do_shuffle: self.df = self.df.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed) if sort: self.df.sort_values(by="label", inplace=True) self.built = True return self def get(self): df = self.df _fs = df.file.tolist() _is = list(range(len(_fs))) _ts = list(df.itertuples(index=False)) return _fs, _is, _ts, df def print(self): if self.built: print("mode:", self.mode) print("num samples:", len(self.df)) print("num hours:", self.df.xlen.values.sum() / (1000.0 * 3600.0)) print(self.df.head()) return self def dump_labels(self, to_file=CORPUS_FILE): assert self.built print(f"Dumping labels to {to_file}") os.makedirs(Path(to_file).parent, exist_ok=True) with open(to_file, "w") as f: for i, row in tqdm.tqdm(self.df.iterrows(), total=len(self.df)): f.write(sanitize_str(row.label) + "\n") print("Done.") def train_tokenizer( self, corpus_file=CORPUS_FILE, model_file=TOKENIZER_MODEL_FILE, vocab_sz=50000, dump_labels=True, ): assert self.built import youtokentome as yttm # first we need to dump labels if dump_labels: self.dump_labels(corpus_file) # train model print("Training yttm model...") yttm.BPE.train(data=corpus_file, vocab_size=vocab_sz, model=model_file) print("Done.") # load model (for testing) print("Testing yttm model...") bpe = yttm.BPE(model=model_file) # Two types of tokenization test_text = "Are you freakin' crazy?" encoded1 = bpe.encode([test_text], output_type=yttm.OutputType.ID) encoded2 = bpe.encode([test_text], output_type=yttm.OutputType.SUBWORD) decoded = bpe.decode(encoded1) print(encoded1) print(encoded2) print(decoded) def plot(self, save=False): if self.built: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.hist(self.df.xlen.values, bins=50) plt.title(f"xlen ({self.df.xlen.values.sum() / 3600000.:.2f} hours)") if save: plt.savefig("./plots/figures/data-x.png", dpi=300) plt.hist(self.df.ylen.values, bins=30) plt.title("ylen") if save: plt.savefig("./plots/figures/data-y.png", dpi=300) plt.hist(self.df.xlen.values / self.df.ylen.values, bins=50) plt.title("xlen/ylen") if save: plt.savefig("./plots/figures/data-x-y.png", dpi=300) return self
if __name__ == "__main__": fs, _is, ts, df = ( ASRDatabunchBuilder() .multi( [ "/data/stt/data/common-voice/fr", "/data/stt/data/common-voice/de", "/data/stt/data/common-voice/en", ] ) .x_bounds(0, 5000) .y_bounds(2, 20) .build() .print() .plot() .get() ) print(fs[0], _is[0], ts[0]) print("\n\nhead:", df.head(n=20)) print("\n\ntail:", df.tail(n=20))